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Welcome! - 03/05/05
This will be a running log of the installation of a S15 Silvia front end onto my chuki 240sx fastback. Back in 2001 I set some life goals. Get married, buy a house, and finish my car. The car is the last of the 3 I have to complete... somehow I got my priorities straight and accomplished those goals in the order listed... mom would be so proud ;) hahahaha! Anyhow, this page is a chronological account of my progress on this project. SOOOO many people talk smack about the S15 front conversion (AKA ichi-go/Strawberry Face), "it's so done before", "played out", etc. Personally, I know of maybe 7 individuals (keyword) that have done the conversion for themselves. These being private individuals not affiliated with any shop or sponsorship. Besides, most of the haters are young'ins running around with their bone stock zenki 240s with delusions of grandeur that they'll probably never fulfill. A big part of who I am as a person is following through with what I say I'll do, so with that being said here we go...
UPDATE! Welcome to v2.0 - 11/05/06
This week this site hit 16,500 unique hits. OMFG people! That's friggin amazing! Many of you even went the extra mile and signed the guestbook! You guys ROCK! There WERE some comments dissing my lack of web pagelayout that I'd like to address tho. This page was never really intended to be a public how-to process.... it was more like a *ack* Blog. Those of you that know me personally, know I HATE web2.0 BS.... but for lack of a better description, that's all this page was ever meant to be; more or less a blog for my own recollection on what I'd done and how, so when people ask, I don't sound stupid.... I really don't need any help with my occasional foot-in-mouth disease.
Back on the subject - being that i'm a sysadmin for a living, I should probably do a redesign of some sort, so I have a minimal embarrassment level when referring people to this site :D
In the next few updates, I'll be showing the aftermath of how things went, my current headache - painting, and other small updates on the how's and why's. That being said, welcome to Yoshi's S13-S15 conversion page 2.0... now using CSS :)
ok, now u haters can STFU. LOL!
(it's so pathetic that I have to do this; I HATE people that can't take responsibility for their own actions!)
This is ONLY documentation for my own project car. Should anyone decide to copy, emulate, or in any other way reproduce my ideas and/or methods, I bear NO RESPONSIBILITY for your actions. This is not a snap-tite model. There are no (quality) pre-fab kits out there that make it an easy 1-2-3 to do this conversion. This is custom work, and as such, is every bit as much art as it is science. Please ALWAYS think through what you're going to do before taking action, and PLEASE, Safety First!
Table of Contents
Introduction - Overview, Parts to go on, pre-fitting, "Before" pix (good ones too! :P haha)
Day 01 - Tearing down the original front end and test fitting fenders
Day 02 - New part weights, Headlight brackets & CF Hood installed... Fenders: worse than we thought
Day 03 - Old Parts-Weights & Measures, Enter the SawZall, the Downsides of Not use the S15 Core Support
Day 04 - Headlight wiring prep & LOTS of bumper trimming (the FMIC just always seems to be in the way)
Day 05 - Defeating the headlight gap, Neatening up the core support cuts, & Hacking off the passenger side headlight mount
Day 06 - Mounted Headlights! Bumper 90%
Day 07 - Wiring, final bumper fitment
Day 08 - Wiring complete! Project 95% complete! \\'00t!
Day 09 - Final alignments (fenders), starting to prep for paint, Final weights
Day 10 - DIY Painting: Deciding to take the plunge
Day 11 - Sand sand sand sand sand...